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Welcome, seller !

How to sell products in PrestoMall

  1. Registration as Seller
    Registration as Seller
  2. Seller Admission
    Seller Admission
  3. Product Linkage Request (API Service)
    Product Linkage
    Request (API Service)
  4. API Key Registration in
    API Key Registration
  5. Setting Bundle Shipping Rate of Ship-From Address
    Setting Bundle Shipping
    Rate of Ship-From Address
  1. 1. Registration as Seller

    Registering as seller is free. If e-mail authentication is completed after registration, a seller can act as a buyer.
    A document approval is necessary to make purchases.
    Select one from Individual Seller, Business Seller, or Global Seller.
  2. 2. Seller Admission

    You should directly upload or send through e-mail the necessary documents when you sign-up as seller.
    A person in charge of PrestoMall will assess the documents and approve.
    If the approval is completed, you may sell products and access Seller Office, the seller management tool of PrestoMall.
  3. 3. Once the seller registration is approved, following process is required for product linkage.

    A Seller API service needs to be requested in order for a product registered in to be automatically registered in PrestoMall.
    In Seller Office > Member Management > Seller Details
    Seller Details
    1. 1Click the [Request API Service], and an API Unique Key is created.
    2. 2Please copy the created API Unique Key, and register it to site.
  4. 4. Please set the bundle shipping rates of ship-from address.

    In case of charged shipping, bundle shipping rates set to the ship-from address is applied. So please set the shipping rates in
    Seller Office > Member Management > Seller Details.
    Seller Grade & Score Seller Grade & Score
    1. 1Click [Manage] from the Ship-From Address row.
    2. 2Select a ship-from address from a pop-up, and register bundle shipping rates.
      • Set a shipping rate by region based on product weight.
      • Set shipping promotions, if necessary (not required).
    3. 3Click [SAVE]